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Standardized Tests and Kung Fu Panda?

I enjoy “kid” movies. Give me Mulan, Kung Fu Panda, E.T., Race to Witch Mountain, Frozen or any one of hundreds of “long-shot makes good” movies any day of the week – and for good reason. Common Sense Media says, … Continue reading

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Everything is so unfair!

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I saw this photograph and thought of the many articles, blogs, posts, discussions, books I read – along with all the conversations I hear from both teachers and students alike. Everyone is unfair – teachers, principals, guidance counselors, students, students’ … Continue reading

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Educational Consulting vs. Practice Management

Teachers are doing lots of work. Administration is also doing lots of work. So why are we not experiencing the rewards of all this great work? Why are our numbers dismally low, particularly in urban city school districts? To answer … Continue reading

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Why are teachers leaving? Part I

I recently heard the following said by a character in an episode of “Law and Order”: “Why are teachers being pushed out. Is it because they are being micromanaged by the DOE. Is it because they are being given all … Continue reading

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Does administration believe in the power of goal setting?

Several years ago, I had a meeting with our principal for a “mid-year” check in. This is when administration wants to get a feel for how things are going (student achievement, personal growth, etc…) and what your plans are for … Continue reading

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What is the goal of your school?

Seriously, what is your school’s goal? How about your mission statement? Got one? As a teacher, what does your school want you to do? Have they ever presented you with a clear well-defined statement of expectations (besides to teach)? Does … Continue reading

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What is a “free chicken dinner?”

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(* Yes, this is a photo of me giving a Free Chicken Dinner as a doctor, many years ago!) Professionals are always looking for new “customers”. To attract them, they need to create an atmosphere, or a draw where, when … Continue reading

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Teachers Don’t Need Practice Management… or so they think

(This is a composite of responses I hear from teachers whenever I bring up the subject of delivering practice management to teachers. And by practice management, I do not mean classroom management. I mean having every teacher treat his or … Continue reading

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