
“The Business of School” is a consultancy designed to engage administrators and teachers in discussions that need to be taking place in every school around the country today. We place an emphasis on assembling the best practices of the business world – goal setting, prioritization and time management – and apply statistical analysis to help create action plans and provide direction for administrators, teachers and students. Sound practice management consulting lays the groundwork for all professionals. Dr. Cubbin’s goal is to form a more solid educational foundation – and greater success all around – by demonstrating to schools how clear business practice management can make the changes necessary for your school. A good consultant helps teachers understand how to set goals and create action steps so they can become self-actualized – to become the very best they can be.

“I understand that unifying business ideas is not always the first alternative educators look to. My systems focus on goal setting, time management and prioritization as a foundation for school reform. So I ask all who read these blogs to do me a favor. Do not hold back. If you disagree with an idea or opinion, tell me so. Let’s implement and analyze. Only then will we see what substantive changes can be made when strategies are tested and proven good or bad for our students, our children. In other words, let’s have less talk and more action.” Dr. Michael Cubbin

“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” George Santayana

“All Things Must Change.” George Harrison



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